Investigation into the provenance of museum collections in connection with the theft, confiscation and sale of objects under duress between 1933 and 1945.

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Limburg Museum

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Limburg Museum

Keulsepoort 5 5911 BX Venlo

Investigation results

None of the objects in this museum have problematic provenance.

Result of this investigation

Investigators checked the collections that were assembled in 1994 when Limburg Museum was founded, namely those of the former Goltzius Museum and Limburg Folklore Centre. Investigators also checked acquisitions made by Limburg Museum itself: these were mainly items relating to regional and cultural history, as well as art and archaeological objects. The museum reports that no objects with problematic provenance were found in these collections: investigators found no indication of any such problem in the inventory books and archived correspondence in the collection documentation.

Information from previous research (report Museum Acquisitions 1940-1948)

View reaction of Limburgs Museum in the report Museale acquisitions 1940-1948 which was published in 1999 in response to the previous museum research.

About this museum and its collection

The museum presents the history of Limburg, its traditions and trends in four thematic sections: archaeology, art, cultural history and documentary sources. Drawings and paintings by Limburg artists are a key aspect of the collection.